Process Intergity Workflow (PI)
Design your bockchained compliant workflow
Draw your process integrity to prove that the process has been followed
Our dedicated tool to build integrity workflow. no code plateform to create fast & easy
SICPA’s process integrity (PI) protects the integrity of any IT process by generating irrefutable proofs at each step of the secured process. Prior to changing any state, the calling system can verify its environment against the most recent proofs to make sure no irregular changes have affected the processes’ data. The state change is then triggered by authorized user following the process definition and the new state and environment is secured by a new layer of proofs. The cumulus of all the proofs guarantees the integrity of the global process.
The proofs generated by PI can be verified by any third-party guaranteeing that a process has been followed. It gives all related parties the confident that an IT service they are relying on :
follows the agreement between parties
authorized and executed by the right peoples
completed through each step
timely executed
preventing or detecting processing errors
allowing you to prove your good faith

The process designer (PD) delivers the ability to define any process in the form of a state machine by visually drawing it on a virtual board. Any number of states and transitions can be defined, and roles are assigned to each transition to manage authorizations within the process.
Intergrate integrity to your process without reinvent your current system
At each step of the process deliver a proof of
- The definition of the process followed
- The unique ID of the on-going process instance
- The state of the system for this instance before and after each transition
- Who initiated a state transition and when
Prior to changing a state, the current system environment is verified with the most recent proof.
State change follows process definition and new system environment is secured by a new layer of proofs.
The cumulation of all the proofs guarantees the integrity of process.
Easy integration through API
with the help of our documented APIs we interface to your existing systems
From your existing system,
secure your data and processes with the integrity engine